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Lifestyle changes, maybe, whatever

"My boyfriend wanted a meal plan. REALLY wanted one.  Me, not so much Luckily, I got a 15 day Barre3 free trial, which I recommend to anyone who's even remotely interested in ballet, yoga, or pilate. This plan included not only videos, but a meal plan. 'Okay. Show me said meal plan,' I said." ● ● ●  That was the start of my "fitness" blog I quickly forgot about completely 3 years ago , as I discovered this week while going through every bookmark on my stupidly cluttered bookmarks tab dating back to 2017-- a much better year for many reasons. I have ADHD-inattentive type, therefore just saying it was "a lot of bookmarks" is a gross understatement. It's the kind of project you need time off from work and social obligations to even begin to tackle.  Oh, how the universe provides... (insert joke about the year 2020)    That post --if you can even call it that, seeing as it's just an intro-- centered around

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